Violation of Facebook

Terms of use, does anyone really read all those teeny tiny words? 

I must delete the cool 2nd Facebook account I created.  I realized several hours ago I am violating the “Terms of Use”  Geeze my big first month of learning computer skilz and I end up violating Terms.  I did wonder why my crackberry was having a problem and not really being multi-Facebook account friendly. 

Can you say “Facebook for Dummies”?

Aside from the fact I’ve taken to staying up all hours of the night, and taking naps during the day.  (I sound like I’m getting old!) Looks like I’ll get the hang of things, so I’m off to delete my new Facebook page

About Grace Acres Ranch ~ Faith Farms

Still not completely sure of my God given purpose. I have a good idea, although I have yet to see anything through. I am a full blooded procrastinator. I haven't the slightest idea what I am doing with all this website stuff, but I guess I will learn as I go... I love to write, and I am particularly fond of the "," as my husband would say "you are the queen of run on scentences". Why waste a perfectly good period when you have a comma? This time it will be different...I believe I will succeed. Faith Farms ~ Grace Acres Ranch
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